St. Margaret’s Pre-School is an Ofsted registered childcare located in the village of Doddinghurst, Essex. We offer education and care for children aged from 2 years of age until the start of school. The Pre-School has been operating within the St. Margaret’s Catholic Church Hall premises since it opened in 1969.
Our children participate in various imaginative and creative activities that effectively support their learning and development.
Our children are confident, self-assured, highly motivated, eager to learn and well-behaved.
Our team of warm and friendly staff ensure children feel welcome, comfortable and safe in their learning environment.
Provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment for every child.
Enhance the development and education of the children under statutory school age in a parent-involving, community based group.
Work within a framework that ensures equality of opportunity for all children and families.
A specially tailored Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum helping children attain the early learning goals
Individual care and attention made possible by high ratio of adults to children
Positive relationships working with parents and carers
Opportunities for you and your family to be directly involved in the activities of the group and in your child’s progress